An example of COACH’s dedication to providing quality education is exemplified by COACH’s Substance Use Disorders in Alabama project. Faculty working through COACH developed educational programming related to substance use disorders and their effects on an individual’s mental health. The work by Drs. Haley Phillippe, Brent Fox, and Karen Marlowe is supported by the Alabama Department of Mental Health via a sub-award through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The educational programming developed is available online in the form of webinars and targets two primary cohorts: community leaders and health care professionals. Health care professionals are eligible to receive continuing education credits. The content presented focuses on the emerging trends of substance use disorders in Alabama, specifically, the prevalence of substance use disorders amongst vulnerable populations. The webinars will remain accessible through September 2024. As of December 31, 2023, over 3,000 individuals have participated; 750+ have received continuing education credit.